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Do you live in or around Auburn and have suffered an accident that leaves you either disabled for a long period of time, or unable to continue doing the type of work that you have built your career around?


If you have than you know what we are talking about when we say that the world of social security disability insurance law is like suddenly waking up on Mars. It is nothing like the normal world that we live in.


You need an experienced social security disability insurance attorney, and not only an experienced one, but also one that is familiar with the disability insurance laws.


Mike Lind Attorney At Law has been helping the people of Auburn get the results they need from their disability insurance for over 15 years now.


With over a decade and a half of local Auburn court experience and success, Mike Lind Attorney At Law truly should be the first one on your call list.


Don't waste your time with some social security disability insurance attorney that accepts rejection after rejection without any headway; bring your case to Mike Lind Attorney At Law who has the experience to bring you and your family to a successful resolution to your disability insurance nightmare.


  • Local Auburn Court Experience and Success

  • Disability Insurance Specialist

  • Over 15 Years as an Auburn Area Social Security Attorney

It is sad that after years of hard work, one simple slip or accident can change your ability to earn a living.

But it's even sadder that the complexity of social security disability insurance law is denying some families of their livelihood.

Don't take this injustice sitting down, call Mike Lind Attorney At Law today and let us be your attorney and get you the help you deserve.




Auburn Social Security Disability Insurance Attorney 

Don't feel alone if you have been denied your claim.


Thousands of others like you have heard the same excuses why their social security claim is not going to be honored.

But it's time now to separate your self from the pack and get yourself a social security disability insurance attorney.

Call Mike Lind Attorney At Law today and get your case represented by the best that Auburn has to offer.

Your family has already been through enough stress and heartache. Call Mike Lind Attorney At Law today and let us help bring your case home.

Michael Lind Law Office

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All Right Reserved.


TACOMA, WA 98404 


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